How Does Dollar General PTO Work

How Does Dollar General PTO Work?

Many new Dollar General employees need more information regarding PTO policies, and they must know how Dollar General PTO works. This will allow them to utilize their Paid Time Off effectively, or they can plan their holidays.

How Does Dollar General PTO Work? DG employees are entitled to 10 vacation days during their initial 05 years of employment. They receive 20 hours of paid vacation after 06 months, 40 hours after 12 months, and 80 hours after 02 years. 

What is PTO (Paid Time Off)?

With Paid Time Off (PTO), employees are still paid when they take time off and are allowed a specific number of days off.

PTO policies vary from company to company. Employees can utilize PTO for sick leave, vacations, or personal reasons.

PTO Policy at Dollar General

No. of Service Years at Dollar General No.of Hours of Vacation GrantedNo.of Vacation Days GrantedPaid/unpaid
Less than one year16 Hours02 DaysPaid Vacation 
One to four years40 Hours05 DaysPaid Vacation 
Five to fourteen years80 Hours10 DaysPaid Vacation 
Fifteen or more years120 Hours15 DaysPaid Vacation 

How do you Request PTO?

To request PTO, you first need to make sure that you have vacation time available, which you can check by looking at your last pay stub.

If it shows that you have it, please proceed by opening your Legion app. You can request your days from there, and your will manager will review and approve it.

How Does Dollar General PTO Work


Please note that all of the employees at Dollar General are not entitled to PTO.

Most part-time employees seek Paid Time Off from their managers or supervisors. However, as per the Dollar General Employee Handbook or Policy Book, part-time employees are not entitled to Paid Time Off. Only full-time DG employees are entitled to Paid Time Off.

Yes! Dollar General employees get paid when they utilize PTO.

PTO varies from employee to employee; it is based on your employment status and length of service.

No, PTO hours are not part of an employee’s salary.

Dollar General employees can only use five consecutive days of PTO with the prior permission of their supervisor.

Yes, DG employees can use PTO for partial days off.

Dollar General PTO operates on a policy of using it or losing it. It would be best if you utilized all of the PTO to which you are entitled.

It depends on the laws of each state. Generally, you won’t be able to request a payout for your unused vacations, so it is always recommended that you utilize them.


We discussed the frequently asked question: How does Dollar General PTO work, how to request Paid Time off, the number of days granted for PTO, and eligibility to request days off? Understanding it is crucial for every employee so they can get the most out of their jobs.

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