How Many Vacation Hours do you Get at Dollar General

How Many Vacation Hours do you Get at Dollar General?

Have you ever thought about what vacation policies Dollar General implies? Considering your willingness to join Dollar General as your workplace, Look nowhere; we have all the details you want to know.

Below are details; we will Concisely discuss How many vacation hours you get at Dollar General. Its Vacation policy, What vacation hours you will get at Dollar General, How to vacation Hours at Dollar General, and other related details that you are searching for.

Vacation Hours at Dollar General

Full-time employees at Dollar General are allowed for vacation hours. However, the number of vacation hours they will be granted depends upon the total length of service with the company, as depicted in the table below. 

No. of Service Years at Dollar General No.of Vacation Days GrantedNo.of Hours of Vacation GrantedPaid/unpaid
Less than one year02 Days16 HoursPaid Vacation 
One to four years05 Days40 HoursPaid Vacation 
Five to fourteen years10 Days80 HoursPaid Vacation 
Fifteen or more years15 Days120 HoursPaid Vacation 

Dollar General’s Vacation Policy 2024

Dollar General, one of the largest giant discount retailers in the U.S., devises employee-favoring policies that value its employees and acknowledge the significance of work-life balance.

To accommodate employees in their benefits, Dollar General offers a lucrative vacation policy that facilitates employees to enjoy leave from work and energize themselves.

The Benefits Package is a wider term used to refer to the overall well-being of Dollar General employees. Vacation policy is a sub-part of the Benefits package, which outlines the Eligibility criteria, Accrual rates, Process for requesting Vacation, and assurance that employees can take allotted breaks without disturbing the company’s operations.ย ย 

How Many Vacation Hours do you Get at Dollar General
  • Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility for granting Vacation at Dollar General generally depends upon the Job type, Job status (Full-time/part-time), and length of service of employees.

Vacation time is accumulated for full-time employees from the day they start employment, while part-time employees have different accrual rates and eligibility criteria.

  • Accrual Rates

Generally, Vacation time for employees accrues on a yearly basis; The accrual rate increases with the amount of time the employeeโ€™s Job service at the company.

For instance, fresh employees start with the number of days per year, with the capacity to earn more days after some experience at the company.

  • Process for Requesting Vacation Time

To ensure proper staffing numbers, Dollar General encourages employees to request vacation time in advance.

Vacation requests are typically submitted through an internal system or by informing a supervisor directly.

  • How to Earn Vacation Hours

The formula for earning vacation hours is based on the total length of service with Dollar General. Employees can earn one Day (08 hours) of Vacation for every 03 months they worked with Dollar General, up to a maximum of 15 Days (120 hours) per year at the company.

Employees can earn their total amount of vacation hours after 15 years of work with Dollar General.


Dollar General is included in devising effective Vacation policy mechanisms for its Employees. Their vacation policy ensures straight eligibility criteria, Accrual rates, and a facility for acquiring vacation time before leave applications for their employees.

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